而contentSize、contentInset和contentOffset 是 scrollView三个基本的属性。
- contentSize: The size of the content view.
- 其实就是scrollview可以滚动的区域,比如frame = (0 ,0 ,320 ,480) contentSize = (320 ,960),代表你的scrollview可以上下滚动,滚动区域为frame大小的两倍。
- contentOffset:The point at which the origin of the content view is offset from the origin of the scroll view.
- 是scrollview当前显示区域顶点相对于frame顶点的偏移量,比如上个例子你拉到最下面,contentoffset就是(0 ,480),也就是y偏移了480
- contentInset:The distance that the content view is inset from the enclosing scroll view.
- 是scrollview的contentview的顶点相对于scrollview的位置,例如你的contentInset = (0 ,100),那么你的contentview就是从scrollview的(0 ,100)开始显示
[UIView beginAnimations:nil context:NULL];
[UIView setAnimationDuration:.3];
[scrollView setContentInset:UIEdgeInsetsMake(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)];
[UIView commitAnimations];